The life of the average author isn’t much like the romanticized portraits you see on TV and in the movies (how do they all afford those loft apartments in New York City anyway??) But it does come with some unique “highs”.

One of those is being able to introduce a brand new book into the world. The obvious comparison is to the birth of a child—obvious because it’s so accurate. Months of anxiety and labour culminating in a creation never seen before.

My next creative “offspring” is still a couple of months from seeing the light of day, but I can show off the literary equivalent of an ultrasound picture. This is the (brilliant) new cover of my forthcoming science fiction novel The Dispossession of Dylan Knox. Here’s the elevator pitch:

Dylan Knox is not the man he was. He may be like no man who ever existed.

Brooke’s old flame doesn’t remember her. Worse, he behaves like a different person every time they meet. A victim of a brain injury? Or an imposter—an assassin targeting Brooke’s boss, the secretary-general of the United Nations?

Dylan’s own explanation is impossible to accept: an airliner accident, a bold space mission. Castaways in time.

Now Brook is faced with a choice: to trust him, or to betray him.

And falling in love is the last thing she needs.

The Dispossession of Dylan Knox is scheduled for publication February 2, 2022. It should be available for pre-order in early January. Suspense, danger, high stakes. Plus a stronger romance element than my usual. I really hope you love it.

In fact, you can read a sample of the opening chapter of the novel right now!



While I’m at it, I’d like to tell you what else I’ve been up to.

I’ve been busy exploring more ways to tell readers about my books. One way is book trailers. I’ve had one for my debut novel Dead Air and a slow, suspenseful trailer for my latest, Naïda. But I wanted to bring more excitement to that one, and I’d never released a trailer for my first SF thriller The Primus Labyrinth at all. So check out these new offerings:

The Primus Labyrinth


On the other hand, some people love to hear a sample of a book in the author’s own words and voice. So I’ve recorded some readings from my novels that weren’t available before. Have a listen to them on Soundcloud.


The Primus Labyrinth

Dead Air

And lastly, when I was helping out a fan recently, I noticed that two of my paperbacks—my novel Dead Air and my story collection Beyond—are still listed on Amazon for about 25% less than my usual paperback price (just $15.99 each in North America). With the cost of printing these days, I really have to raise that price, but I’ve decided to put it off until 2022. SO until the end of this year you can still pick up those two books at that price. If you buy both (plus something else worth a few bucks) you can even get Amazon’s free shipping.

About my Beyond collection, Goodreads and freelance book reviewer Christine Ernst-Lomond says, “Solid gold. That's how I'd summarize Overton's collection of sci-fi short stories…I'm honestly not sure I can praise it enough. It's completely brilliant.”

And I didn’t pay her a cent to say that!

Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that hours of great reading enjoyment makes a thoughtful gift!

Have a great holiday season.