Time is really flying toward the launch of my new novel Naïda and my blood pressure’s probably flying high too, as I scramble to get everything done.

Because of the pandemic, it’s going to be a virtual launch—online only—hosted by my friend and fellow author Mark Leslie (I narrate the audiobook editions of his A Canadian Werewolf in New York fiction series). But all are welcome. It’ll be short and sweet: 30 - 45 minutes during which I’ll give a reading from Naïda and Mark will field questions from the audience. We’ll also be giving away some copies of the book to those in attendance. Afterward, the link will remain available, so if you can’t attend “live” you can still catch it later. Here are the links to join in:

LIVE BROADCAST INFORMATION                                                            



(via Scott Overton’s Author Page: )

Virtual Book Launch Image.png

Meanwhile the ebook editions are available to pre-order from many online retailers, and the print edition is becoming available to order, store by store though Amazon’s print edition is still in limbo because of a (so-far 3-week-old) technical problem. Seriously, Amazon?

I sure hope you’ll seek out the book. Of course you can read a free sample chapter, and it will become available in my bookstore on launch day June 1st. I also hope you’ll love it, and it would be a huge help if you would post a review wherever you buy the book or in your online book clubs like Goodreads.

Wish me luck!